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Suzanne Schneider Birthday Wishes November 9, 2016
Happy birthday to you......
Happy borthday to you......
Okay, just like you; I can't sing.
Hugs and much love.
Miss you. :(

Again, another Great-granddaughter.
Marcus and Thresea Metlenko welcomed
Avery Marie Metlenko
October 31, 2016
at 2:41 a.m.
7 lbs.  7.5 ozs.
20.0 inches.
suzanne schneider Christmas 2015 December 25, 2015
May peace, love and joy
fill the hearts of your
loved ones this Christmas season

Miss and Love you.
Heather Aguirre Another year December 9, 2015
Miss you today as I do everyday. I can't believe that it has been 7 years.  i wish I could hug and kiss you right now.  
suzanne schneider Anniversary December 8, 2015
Another year.

Love and miss you.
Each and everyday.
suzanne schneider Thanksgiving November 26, 2015
Again we find the Holidays apon us.

Wishes of you here, with us.
Happy Thanksgiving.

Love and miss you.
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